Why Vinyl?



I’ve always loved the smooth warm feel of vinyl. To me it is the true essence of hip-hop. That is why I choose to use vinyl records over controllers. Many always ask, “But don’t you get tired of carr
ying all of that?” To which I say “yes, sometimes…” but for me turntables are more than just a device. I come from the hip-hop era where battles were abundant and you always had to be ready with your “sword”. For me my turntables are just that. I use my decks to cut, chop, and blend up any situation that’s handed to me. It could be a big party or small, I make sure to always show up prepared.

It’s not always easy in a controller filled environment. These days it seems it is more accessible to become a dj because of technology. My job isn’t to knock the new trends but instead I like to remind people that the essence of true turnableism still exists. It’s what helps to separate me from the rest.